Sunday, 14 July 2013

We are happy to introduce: Saience!

Sunday, 14 July 2013
The new round of "The traveling Blythes" will kick off soon: the sign-ups started and everyone is anxious to see who our new travelers will be! While we are still working on the perfect travel routes, we will use the opportunity to present our three customizers of round 4.

Last week we introduced Christy from Pixiepoo, today Rebecca from Saience (see here for her Flickr) is in the center of our attention:

♥ Could you please tell us a few words about yourself?

Hi, I'm Sai / Rebecca! I'm 28 years old and work in scientific R&D as a biological-technical assistant in a land-based marine recirculating system with fish, prawns, zoo plankton and algae. I share my small apartment with my husband Jan, 2 guinea pigs and a crapload of dolls, toys and miniatures.

♥  Please tell us a little bit about where you live.

I'm originally from Leverkusen, Germany, a city mostly known for the company Bayer (Aspirin, anyone?). Last year we moved to Saarbrücken (also Germany), because my husband started his PhD in Computer Vision at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics.

 photo Saience_zps93faf5c7.jpg

♥  How and when did you discover Blythe?

I remember that I saw pictures of Blythe in a magazine back in 2004, and I thought they were extremely weird! Five years later an online friend from the US was bitten by the Blythe bug. She took really pretty photos of her doll and convinced me to get one, too. My first one wasn't a Blythe, though, it was a Pullip, because they were cheaper and I didn't want to spend too much money, just in case I wouldn't enjoy the hobby as much as I thought (uh, I think the current count is around 50 dolls, 20 of them being Blythe). But we all know how long it takes for a doll to arrive from overseas, so I had a lot of time to browse Flickr and fall in love with Blythe dolls (my favourites at the time being Darling Diva, Princess a la Mode and Ultimate Tour / Momolita - only the cheapest ones, right? Haha).

♥  How did you start customizing and where does the name Saience come from? 

I knew that I wanted a black-haired Blythe with bangs, but I didn't like the moles that Bow Wow Trad and Nightflower had. This is when I found out about customizing...and I just HAD to get a doll to transform her into the black-haired beauty I had in mind! My first victim was Can Can Cat, she was pretty cheap at the time and I figured it would be easy to dye her blue hair black (didn't go as planned...she got a reroot eventually). Thus Lilith, my first Blythe custom (or rather forever WIP) was born!

Saience was just my Flickr URL, because "Sai" (my screenname of 10 years, based on The Dark Tower and my favourite song by Acidman) was already taken, and I really love science. I'm lame like that, haha.

♥ What are your projects with Saience in 2013?

I'm really busy with my job, so I didn't have much time for my hobbies in the last 2 years, which means that my own dolls have been WIPs for a looong time and got dusty already! So except for the Traveler my only plans include to finish my own doll projects (for the last years I only worked on commissions). There will be reroots with alpaca fiber, saran and nylon in white, pink, yellow, teal...if I manage to finish them all, that is!

♥  Why did you decide to take part in the Traveling Blythes project?

I thought it would be a great opportunity to work on a doll for someone else (many someones actually) again but without having too many constraints, which is both pleasant, but also a challenge - because of course I would like to please everyone's taste with this custom doll. What I did know was that this project needs a blue haired Blythe!

 photo Hair_zpsfdcfbc33.jpg

 Do you like cheese?

A life without cheese is possible, but pointless. I freaking LOVE cheese!

♥  What is the most challenging with customizing a Blythe doll?

Commissions! Satisfying people's expectations but without being "just" the craftsman, but also artistic, is the hardest thing for me. One of the reasons why I shut down my commission list. (But the most prominent reason was that I just don't have that much free time.)

♥  Who is your favorite Traveler from the past rounds of the traveling Blythes?

I had the pleasure of hosting both Perrin, sammydoe's girl and Geo, FrankieDarling's girl and I really liked both! Especially Geo's lids were perfection.

♥  What will your Traveler be like?

As mentioned in the initial interview she will definitely have blue hair, I already got the TBL with the most perfect hair in my opinion (see picture above!). My inspiration is the river Danube and Rainy Day London Dunny.

 photo Inspiration_zpsc86095b5.jpg

Depending on how her face up turns out she might get a hair cut, but I'm not sure about that. I prefer natural face ups with brownish/beige/pinkish tones and a not too intense lip and nostril carving. 
She will definitely get Licca arms! I think you get the best of both worlds with a Blythe body and bendable Licca arms. I really hope you will like her!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

We are happy to introduce: Pixiepoo!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013
The new round of "The traveling Blythes" will kick off soon: the sign-ups started and everyone is anxious to see who our new travelers will be! While we are still working on the perfect travel routes, we will use the opportunity to present our three customizers of round 4.

Today we start with Christy from Pixiepoo (see here for her Flickr):

♥ Could you please tell us a few words about yourself?

Hi, my name is Christy. I am married to one hot Library Director. I am a mama of two beautiful children. I love blythe, photography, art, and old things. I have a blog called "The Dollhouse Studio" you can get to know me a little bit more by having a visit if you wish. 

♥  Please tell us a little bit about where you live.

I live in the beautiful red rock hills of Utah in a tiny little town where no one (except me) knows about Blythe.

♥  How and when did you discover Blythe?

I discovered Blythe while browsing photography on flickr. I was so impressed by how much emotion the doll could express through photographs. Even though she was just a doll...she was different - more alive than any other doll I had ever seen. After a few years of obsessing I finally caved and got my first doll in 2011. We have had a love affair ever since.

♥  How did you start customizing and where does the name Pixiepoo come from? 

I started customizing 6 months after I got my first doll. I have always been creative, I graduated with a art degree,  so creating my own OOAK doll was something that drew me to blythe in the first place.

How I got my screen name is pretty silly- but here it goes. Back in the day when I got my very first email address I was trying to think of a unique email address that no one would want. I came up with Pixiepoo. My friends made fun of my email address and started to use that as a nickname for me. It has kind of has just stuck with me all these years.

♥  What are your projects with Pixiepoo in 2013?

I have lots of projects I am working on in 2013. The main project I am working on is building a house with my husband. And by building a house- I mean doing it ourselves with nails and a hammer. We are slightly crazy.

I also make pets for blythe called Throwaway pets. They are made from recycled stock eye chips.

I also enjoy customizing and I am VERY excited to customize a Traveling Blythe. 

♥  Why did you decide to take part in the Traveling Blythes project?

I decided to take part in the Traveling Blythe Project because it has always been a big dream of mine. I am still pinching myself that I actually get to be a part of this. It's pretty magical watching a doll you helped create travel the globe. 

 Do you like cheese?

Depends...Is it plastic and little and fits in a Blythe's hand..if so...Yes!

♥  What is the most challenging with customizing a Blythe doll?

I find sanding to be the most challenging part of customizing a blythe. You have to do it a lot! It gets pretty monotonous. 

♥  Who is your favorite Traveler from the past rounds of the traveling Blythes?

I love Sarah/Kaleidoscope Kustom's  Aurora. I love her unique owl lids and gorgeous fuschia coloring. 

♥  What will your Traveler be like?

Since she is a traveling blythe I wanted her theme to be something about travel. She will be flying through the sky to her many destinations so I thought why not make blue sky and clouds inspiration. She already has a name - Nimbus. I can't wait to see her in real life. It will be exciting!  Here is a quick sketch I have already made of her. 

Friday, 5 July 2013

How to sign-up!

Friday, 5 July 2013
If you are interested in hosting one of the Traveling Blythes, please read the FAQ and send your answers to the questions below to thetravelingblythe [at] gmail [dot]com. The sign-up period ends when we have planned a good traveling route for our three girls!

Please note that host spots are NOT distributed on the basis of "first come, first served". Most important to this project is a balanced traveling route, featuring a high diversity of destinations from all over the globe. Unlike previous rounds, you can also apply if you have already have been a host in a past round!

Basic requirements to be a host:
minimum 16 years of age
no unresolved bad dolly deals
willing to take on responsibility

!! All hosting spots for USA, Australia and Germany are booked. You can sign up for a waiting list. 

!! We need more hosts from Asian countries and European countries (besides Germany)! 

2013/14 Traveling Blythe Host Application Form:

Full Name:
Blythe Username:
Location (Town/City and Country):
Link to online profile (eg. Flickr, Ipernity, Facebook, BK etc.):
Have you already been a host within this project? If so, which Traveler did you host?
Have you read and understood the FAQ? Yes/No
Do you accept the stated responsibilities of being a host and the potential risks related to the project? Yes/No
Critical dates that you will be unable to host (the journey starts September 2013 and will potentially complete August 2014):
Are you willing to ship internationally? Yes/No
Are you willing to host a Blythe that includes (fake) TBL parts? Yes/No
Do you give permission to allow 5 pictures of your hosting time to be shared publicly on this blog? Yes/No
Are you able to pay the contribution fee of $25USD within 7 days of being accepted as host? Yes/No
The customizers for the 2013/14 Traveling Blythe adventure are Kassandra's Box, Saience and Pixiepoo. Please state your preferred customizer*:

*To avoid disappointment, kindly note that NO absolute promises can be made on your final designated Traveler. If your interest is limited only one specific customizer's Traveler, please don't sign up!

Thank you for your support and interest. Good luck!

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Congratulations to Pixiepoo and Saience

Wednesday, 3 July 2013
With round 4 we want some of the lesser known customizers to have the opportunity of customizing a Traveler; this year once again there will be three Travelers. 

While one – Kassandra’s Box – already had been chosen, two positions were open and have been decided through a poll that was open to all current/ past customizers and hosts as well as other people affiliated with this project. Those people were entitled to give 3, 2 and 1 points to their three favorite entries. 

29 took the opportunity and this is the result of the voting:

Congratulations to Pixiepoo (on Flickr) and Saience (on Flickr)! Welcome on board!

A big 'thank you' to all other applicants for their contributions and being a part of this project! 

 Duckie Monster
 Suave Dolls

This is the anonymized excel sheet of incoming votes:

Results photo TravelingB_4_customizer_Poll_zps66524106.jpg

On a personal note: As some of you might know, Saience is a good friend of mine. Still, there has been no exercise of influence from my side in the voting. Saience decided to take part in this contest to see if people are interested in seeing one of her customs traveling around the world. If I had planned her to win, I would had given her a fix spot and only put one winning position up for the voting in the first place. Sandra, minkidynamite