Today we start with Christy from Pixiepoo (see here for her Flickr):
♥ Could you please tell us a few words about yourself?
Hi, my name is Christy. I am married to one hot Library Director. I am a mama of two beautiful children. I love blythe, photography, art, and old things. I have a blog called "The Dollhouse Studio" you can get to know me a little bit more by having a visit if you wish.
♥ Please tell us a little bit about where you live.
I live in the beautiful red rock hills of Utah in a tiny little town where no one (except me) knows about Blythe.
♥ How and when did you discover Blythe?
I discovered Blythe while browsing photography on flickr. I was so impressed by how much emotion the doll could express through photographs. Even though she was just a doll...she was different - more alive than any other doll I had ever seen. After a few years of obsessing I finally caved and got my first doll in 2011. We have had a love affair ever since.
♥ How did you start customizing and where does the name Pixiepoo come from?
I live in the beautiful red rock hills of Utah in a tiny little town where no one (except me) knows about Blythe.
♥ How and when did you discover Blythe?
I discovered Blythe while browsing photography on flickr. I was so impressed by how much emotion the doll could express through photographs. Even though she was just a doll...she was different - more alive than any other doll I had ever seen. After a few years of obsessing I finally caved and got my first doll in 2011. We have had a love affair ever since.
♥ How did you start customizing and where does the name Pixiepoo come from?
I started customizing 6 months after I got my first doll. I have always been creative, I graduated with a art degree, so creating my own OOAK doll was something that drew me to blythe in the first place.
How I got my screen name is pretty silly- but here it goes. Back in the day when I got my very first email address I was trying to think of a unique email address that no one would want. I came up with Pixiepoo. My friends made fun of my email address and started to use that as a nickname for me. It has kind of has just stuck with me all these years.
♥ What are your projects with Pixiepoo in 2013?
♥ Why did you decide to take part in the Traveling Blythes project?
I decided to take part in the Traveling Blythe Project because it has always been a big dream of mine. I am still pinching myself that I actually get to be a part of this. It's pretty magical watching a doll you helped create travel the globe.
♥ Do you like cheese?
Depends...Is it plastic and little and fits in a Blythe's hand..if so...Yes!
♥ What is the most challenging with customizing a Blythe doll?
I find sanding to be the most challenging part of customizing a blythe. You have to do it a lot! It gets pretty monotonous.
♥ Who is your favorite Traveler from the past rounds of the traveling Blythes?
I love Sarah/Kaleidoscope Kustom's Aurora. I love her unique owl lids and gorgeous fuschia coloring.
♥ What will your Traveler be like?
Since she is a traveling blythe I wanted her theme to be something about travel. She will be flying through the sky to her many destinations so I thought why not make blue sky and clouds inspiration. She already has a name - Nimbus. I can't wait to see her in real life. It will be exciting! Here is a quick sketch I have already made of her.
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