Monday, 5 August 2013

We are happy to introduce: Kassandra's box!

Monday, 5 August 2013
The new round of "The traveling Blythes" will kick off soon: the sign-ups started and everyone is anxious to see who our new travelers will be! While we are still working on the perfect travel routes, we will use the opportunity to present our three customizers of round 4.

We already introduced Christy from Pixiepoo and Rebecca from Saience, today we will present you our third customizer of the fourth round: Kass from Kassandra's box (see her Flickr)!

♥ Could you please tell us a few words about yourself?

Im a girl who lives with her family in northern Spain. Some cats and a golden retriever are part of our family too. I love anything related to dolls, children books and architecture. Painting is one of my biggest passions. Maybe that's why Im so fond of customizing dolls. It brings the best of both worlds to me.

♥  Please tell us a little bit about where you live.

I live in north Spain, in a region called Asturias. Its surprisingly green and mountainous here since most people think Spain is kind of a dry land. Im in love with this area, there are the most amazing Atlantic ocean beaches along the coastline. There are lots of ancient Atlantic forests that turn to be like a dream when autumn comes . People are so friendly and warm here. Asturias has been an isolated region in Spain after being surrounded by high mountains. I dont think there's a better place in the entire world!

♥  How and when did you discover Blythe?

The first time I heard of Blythe dolls was over three years back. My sister asked me to see some pics she has found in the internet. She knew how much I loved dolls and children books illustrations so she thought I might like to see some amazing pics of this doll. These pics made me curious and got me looking for info in the internet that night. I couldn't stop knowing more about Blythe ever since.

♥  How did you start customizing and where does the name Kassandra's box come from? 

My sister got her first girl a couple of years back. As soon as she arrived home we got her head opened, it took about 10 more minutes to get her eyechips removed. I got some sandpaper and pastels and I started trying new things on her... and that's it! For the first two months we kept storing Blythe bits in a huge box at home. My sister used to call it my box, meaning Kassandra, that's why it didnt take long to pick a name for our flickr Blythe photostream. My sister suggested Kassandra's box since it made both of us to smile.

♥ What are your projects with Kassandra's box in 2013?

So many projects for this year. I want to start designing doll houses, it's a very challenging project to me. I also think of making some special girls for later in this year. So many new things to try yet!

♥  Why did you decide to take part in the Traveling Blythes project?

I started seeing pics of the Traveling Blythe Project a year and a half ago, firstly it amazed me the amount of places these girls have visited but short after it stroke me how these wonderful dolls have brought people together. It was like being part of a big-doll-family all around the world. It was the best way to meet doll-friends, to see the places they lived in through their pics and so on. I just wanted to be part of it. After hosting the stunning Compass (Happibug custom) I had no doubts about wanting to be part of the next Travelling season. I had the best time with Compass.

♥  Do you like cheese?

I do adore cheese! I seriously consider myself being Minnie Mouse's lost twin.

♥  What is the most challenging with customizing a Blythe doll?

Maybe giving a new girl a soul is the most challenging part of customizing a Blythe doll. It's overwhelming to see a new girls face because the girls look alive. Anyway the most challenging thing is to tell anyone at home they rather dont talk to me while Im carving, it seems they find the carving thing the most mesmerizing thing on Earth! Bringing out the girls souls is part of my photographic work. Taking pics is not the hardest side of customizing a doll, for me it's the other way round. Love it.

♥  Who is your favorite Traveler from the past rounds of the traveling Blythes?

 I have no doubts, for me it's Compass by Happibug. I love every Traveller, all of them are some of the prettiest dolls I have ever seen but I can't help myself I have a crush on little Compass.

 photo TravellerBox005_zpsb98826f6.jpg

♥  What will your Traveler be like?

I aim her to be a happy girl, with a happy face and a warm smile, someone you would like to travel with. A doll with a light heart. Im doing my best to make her look pretty for her hosts!

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